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Image by Alexander Grey

Pangender encompasses a non-binary and multigender identity, defined in various ways:

Identifying as every possible gender, also known as maxigender.
Embracing the entire gender spectrum, spanning any given spectrum(s).
Acknowledging all available genders within one's culture and life experiences.
Expressing an immense and/or uncountable number of genders.
Identifying with an infinite range of genders within one's culture and life experience.
Going beyond known genders in one's culture and life experience, akin to ultigender.
Identifying with both binary genders and all known and unknown genders within one's culture and life experience, resembling ultigender.
Embracing polygender and additional genders within one's culture and life experience.

Having a very expansive and unspecific gender, characterized by countless genders without a maximum limit, forming an infinite spectrum.

Regardless of these definitions, a pangender individual may experience fluidity in shifting between identities over time or may feel a static, unchanging all-encompassing identity.

It's important to note that being pangender doesn't necessitate comprehensive knowledge of all established genders; rather, it involves an identity that includes countless genders simultaneously or over time.

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Bandeira arco-íris
Coração verde
Coração vermelho
Coração Rosa
Símbolo transgênero
Coração roxo
Sinal de mais
Light Blue HEart
bandeira branca
Coração amarelo
Bandeira Transgênero
coração branco
Signo feminino
Signo masculino
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